DATE OF THE EXHIBITION: 7. 4. - 24. 5. 2019
Michal Škoda, who during his artistic activities gradually devotes himself to sculpture, painting, installations and, more recently, mainly drawing, photography and author's books, which he considers to be the most important part of his work. A significant part of his work are occasionally emerging site-specific interventions. He has had countless exhibitions at home and abroad and his works are represented in a number of domestic and foreign collections. In addition to his work, Michal Škoda has been the main curator of the Gallery of Contemporary Art and Architecture - the House of Arts of the City of České Budějovice - since 1998, which has become a prestigious institution with a significant international reach.
In the space around us, we usually perceive matter and not the emptiness between them. We focus on objects and not on the relationships they create with each other. We record the course of paths, their shape, beginning, destination and not their direction. Perhaps, however, that the essential is sometimes hidden between objects - in a seemingly empty interspace, in the nature of the relationships themselves, in the invisible directions of the paths.
Michal Škoda's installations create their own common space in the gallery, defined by the milestones of individual buildings. Drawings and sculptures are the cores of the arrangement of space, foci of concentration of relations, places of intersection and unwinding of directions.
Spatial objects and surface drawings in themselves - like black meteorites - condense infinity, returning to themselves the beginnings, ends, directions. The emptiness of the foggy drawings is full of seeping relationships that culminate in blackened traces of crossing. Fragments of paths in line drawings do not record their beginning or destination, shape or course - they only indicate the direction.
We are within relationships. We are part of them. The mind becomes space, the space of the mind.