Daniel Vlček / Liquid Grid
EXHIBITION DATE: 24. 03. - 18. 05. 2024
EXHIBITION OPENING: 23. 03. 2024 / 17:00
exhibition Curator : David Korecký
The Liquid Grid exhibition is a cross-section of Vlčková's paintings from different periods, in which the author's interest in sound in the sense of mechanical undulations permeating space materializes. In other layers, Vlček refers to the archeology of the media, especially to the history and interpretation of audio and video recordings, which are imprinted in the own technology of the painting technique.
Painter, musician and gallerist Daniel Vlček works on the art scene on the one hand as a solitaire who patiently transfers to paper and canvas stimuli from the immediate surroundings permeated by the vibrations of musical compositions, movements and noises, as well as inaudible data flows. On the other hand, sound vibrations with a large dose of analytical approach in the tradition of John Cage are created by himself, converted into templates, layered and let the visitors of the gallery, performance or concert dance change the sound outputs with their own presence, movement, active input. Interaction or its residues are omnipresent in Vlčkov's installations.
In the current exhibition, he employed the noise of the building's technology and the fragile impulses of the mycelia grown at the other end of the gallery so that between these two sources of vibration, a wave of visual records captured in his paintings and installations swept through. The one who determined the trajectories of movement and established the starting point for the placement of individual works was the fluid model of the movement of gallery visitors from its entrance to the door to the garden. The spirit agents of the Liquid Grid exhibition are the visitors themselves, gently moderated by the vibrations emitted by the seemingly invisible and inaudible elements shaping the gallery environment.
Daniel Vlček (born 1978) went through the studios of Martin Mainer, Vladimír Skrepl and Veronika Bromová, in 2003 he co-founded the art-activist group Guma Guar or later Ferdinand Baumann Gallery and Berlin Model. He works in the hardcore punk group Střešovická kramle and the visual music formation ba:zel. One of Vlčka's last institutional projects was the sound interpretation of the work of the painter František Kupka at his joint exhibition in the Grand Palais in Paris (2018) and the National Gallery Prague (2019).
Author of the text: David Korecký
Photo: Ondřej Polák